Friday, January 2, 2015

A New Year... 
to build a better, stronger, happier newer version of You!

We always set new goals & resolutions for ourselves, but do we always accomplish them to our fullest potential with our whole heart dedicated to it, or do we rush into it just to check it off our list?

Whether it be building your career, setting a good example for your kids, cooking your favorite dish, dancing as if no one is watching, singing your heart out...The passion you have in your heart setting these goals will give you that much more strength and happiness in accomplishing them to your fullest potential..

... Some of my goals for 2015 are...
1. To be more productive with my time...
2. Focus more on my potential to succeed in a career
3Explore new places, in and out of California (going on adventures-hiking, road-trips etc.)...
4. Spend more time cooking more new & different healthy recipes...
5Try to overcome my fear of singing in public/even if it is karaoke Lol (I can't even believe this)...
6Continue to take more salsa, brazilian-samba, hip-hop, Jazz/funk dance classes (I love to dance)...
7I want to spend more time outdoors (at the beach, hiking, cruising on my bike)...
8I want to try harder at, spending less and saving more... 

I would love you to share yours too! Use numbers 1-8 as a template to fill in yours. Can't wait to see what you all want to accomplish this year!

A New Year isn't only for new resolutions, it's a reminder to cherish every new day that comes... 
A reminder to look back on your year's accomplishments then looking forward to continue on growing those goals and accomplishments into new ones. 

Need some help on where to start? Challenge yourself! It's not always easy to start something new and challenging, but we all have to start somewhere and I would love to help you start here :)
Time to subtract the negatives and add only the positives!

Remember.. to excel in building a better, stronger, happier Newer version of yourself you have to focus on your goals and aspirations each and every day because everyday counts as a new day :)

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